

Anyone who receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior can become a member of our church.

For the purpose of record keeping, every member is required to fill up a membership form provided by the administration. The form must be correctly completed and submitted with one passport photo.

Procedure for Admitting New Members

Any person desiring of becoming member of our church needs to make a declaration of intent to the pastor/team in charge of membership. At some point, based on the number of people, a membership/discipleship class will be organized mainly to acquaint people with the doctrine and beliefs of the church summarized in the Declaration of Faith and to provide guidance for new converts. After the membership/discipleship class, new members are baptized by immersion and extended a right hand of fellowship by the senior pastor or his designee during the following Sunday service or special service as symbolic admittance into the church’s assembly. New members, who were once baptized by immersion, shall only be required to complete the membership classes and extended a right hand of fellowship after completing the membership/discipleship class.